Our website uses cookies to keep track of statistics, including through Google Analytics.

More information about the use of cookies can be found in our privacy statement.

During a visit to the site ‘cookies’ may be placed on the hard disk of your computer. A cookie is a text file that is placed by a website’s server in your computer’s browser or on your mobile device when you consult a website. Cookies cannot be used to identify individuals, a cookie can only identify a machine.


It uses…

“First party cookies” are technical cookies that are used by the visited site itself and that aim to make the site function optimally. Example: settings that the user made during previous visits to the site, or even: a pre-filled form with data that the user made during previous visits.
“Third Party cookies” are cookies that do not come from the website itself, but from third parties, namely Google Analytics.

You can set your internet browser in such a way that cookies are not accepted, that you receive a warning when a cookie is installed or that the cookies are removed from your hard disk afterwards. You can do this via the settings of your browser (via the help function). Please note that certain graphic elements may not appear correctly, or that you may not be able to use certain applications.